The predefined unit for the ‘LineWidth’ is 1/100 mm. Nonetheless the dialogue concerning the line properties only offers a resolution of 1/100 cm if the unit cm is set. The entered value obviously gets rounded to this resolution. And this hold even if you enter the unit explicitly like in “2.03 mm”. A little bug, obviously.
If you want to keep the unit cm, but also to be able to handle LineWidth with full resolution you may use the (raw!) BASIC code posted below. It should also work with shapes in ‘Writer’ and in ‘Calc’.
Sub setLineWidth()
On Error GoTo errorMessage
theDoc = ThisComponent
theSel = theDoc.CurrentSelection
If theSel.Count>1 Then GoTo errorMessage
theShape = theSel.GetByIndex(0)
theShape.LineWidth = InputBox("Input new 'Width' of the line, please."&Chr(10)&"The unit is 1/100 mm.")
GoTo success
MsgBox("The selection did not accept the new line width."&Chr(10)+"Please check if a single 'Shape' was selected.")
End Sub
Sub reportLineWidth()
On Error GoTo errorMessage
theDoc = ThisComponent
theSel = theDoc.CurrentSelection
If theSel.Count>1 Then GoTo errorMessage
theShape = theSel.GetByIndex(0)
MsgBox("The line Width is "+theShape.LineWidth+"/100 mm")
GoTo success
MsgBox("The selection did not accept the request."&Chr(10)+"Please check if a single 'Shape' was selected.")
End Sub