How To Split A Table when In Landscape?

I have a text document I wanted to put a wide table in so I found I could put it in landscape mode. Excellent. I did that and then I inserted the table. 13 columns by 3 rows.

After entering text I realised it’d be better if I only had half the table on a sheet.

So I want to split it. But split is greyed out. I can’t find how to split the table across two sheets.

Can this be done or have I screwed it up by using landscape?

And can I salvage my work/use a workaround in that case - some way to cut and paste only half the table?

so I found I could put it in landscape mode

I understand this as insertion of a landscape page in the middle of a sequence of portrait pages. You then inserted the table in this landscape page. The fact that the page is landscape or portrait does not come into account for splitting.

how to split the table across two sheets

This expression is ambiguous: a table can be split horizontally producing two tables one above the other, or vertically resulting in two tables side by side.

##“Horizontal” split

Put the cursor in any cell of the row which will become the first row of the second table and Table>Split Table. You can choose whether or not you copy the eventual heading row into the second table.

##“Vertical” split

This is not possible because a table extends from its left limit to its right limit.

To make such a vertical split, you must first create another table somewhere below the present one, copy the right part content into the new table and delete the copied part (leaving only the left part). The remaining “half” of the original table will be redistributed across the full width of the page (unless you manually configure it otherwise).

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