How to start with roman numerals then arabic numerals in the index of an pdf document. {See attached}}

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Hello everyone
I have followed the tutorial of how to make use of roman and arabic numerals in one document.
This is the link: How can I use Roman page numbers for first pages and Arabic page numbers for the rest?

I have exported this document but does not make use of the roman numerals on the index.
Please I need a help on how to make my document (pdf) to have an index which starts with roman numerals then the arabic numerals.

The answer in the referenced question is accurate. But if you really expect useful help, edit your question to explain at which step you get divergent results. Describe as accurately as possible what you’ve done. Don’t forget to mention tour OS and LO version.

The key factor is proper use of page styles and page breaks between them.

By the way, PDF has nothing to do with the issue (it is only an export format).

Actually partly there’s a PDF-specific issue here: how to let the pages be named using roman numerals then proper arabic numerals. By “named” I mean the number displayed in the upper part of the screenshot in the question, right below the “View” menu item. (And I don’t know of a way in LO.)

Hi Mike and ajlittoz.

Yes Mike is right. I have done everything correctly in terms page styles and page breaks.
My first three pages have roman numerals and the rest have arabic. I want when I convert my document to pdf to follow the same numbering in the index of the pdf reader as seen in the attached picture.