How to turn OFF/disable ALL auto formatting when I copy a text from a document/website into LO Writer?!

This is probably my third attempt to fix LibreOffice’s annoying habit of pasting hidden formatting when copying text from websites, social media, or messaging apps. And the Clear formatting option is completely ineffective at removing hidden formats, at least on the Fedora and Ubuntu versions I use.

I’ve seen this post countless times suggested by google as a solution, but none of the methods listed above worked for me. So, I’m sharing my workaround in hopes of helping others.

I should mention beforehand that my fix won’t work 100% for all LibreOffice user simply because LibreOffice’s interface varies between versions, not to mention various of Linux packages, which I guess may also have impact on its behavior.

In Version: / LibreOffice Community that I currently use there is a “Paste” icon in the top toolbar. Clicking it shows two options: “Hypertext markup language (HTML)” and “Unformatted text.” The default is HTML, and unfortunately Libre office doesn’t allow changing it. So there are at least two ways to use the Paste “Unformatted text” feature, which I guess is what most of the readers here need.

  1. First manual way, simply click Paste icon → Unfromratted text each time you need to paste text without 3rd party formats.

  2. For those, who use LibreOffice heavily like I do, the “hotkey” variant might be preferable.

  • Go to Tools → Customize → Keyboard.

  • When you type paste in the “Functions” search field, all Paste options should appear (filtered out) in the Function column. Chose “Paste Unformatted Text”.
  • In the “Shortcut Keys” list select a hotkey combination you’d like to apply to the “Paste Unformatted Text” function.
  • Suppose you selected “Shift+Space” combination in the “Shortcut keys”, press the “Modify” button to assign it.

IMPORTANT! Depending on what you need, make sure you apply the shortcut to LibreOffice Writer or LibreOffice as a whole - there is a radio button to switch between these options in the top-right corner of the Customize window.

As I mentioned earlier, neither of the ways for getting rid of 3rd party formats may work in all versions of LibreOffice. But I hope this should be helpful somehow.
Personally I spent around four hours in total in all of my attempts until I fixed it.

LOL. The very first comment by @PKG is showing the pasting unformatted text.
And generally, the whole initial question, asked by the original poster to imply that a formatting is involved there, turned out to be completely unrelated to formatting at all - it was a PDF content issue. So your solution here is completely not a solution to the original question.

I see. I don’t mind.
Sometimes it’s really hard to tell what answer will be relevant or what won’t.
If this thing get one more “an off topic comment” I’ll remove it.
But since this post is the number one url recommended by google as “How to get rid of hidden formatting when copy text to libre office” I decided the answer would be relevant to what people look for.

but maybe we should change the initial “title”/question instead…