How to turnoff security for hyperlinks in spreadsheet

Will appreciate you can find me a way to execute hyperlinks in excel/spreadshett, as when I click on a hyperlink I get LibreOffice warning saying “For security reasons the hyperlink cannot be executed. The stated address will not be opened”. I have already unchecked “Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks” in the options menu for security.

I am using LibreOffice 3.

Many Thanks

which kind of Hyperlink do you talking about?

I have created links in spreadsheet that point to another worksheet cell

Example for Hyperlink to Target in same Document:
=HYPERLINK("#sheet3.A99";"click me")

and for Target in another Dokument:
=HYPERLINK("file:///path/to/other.ods#sheet1.A1";"click me")

second Arguments click me is optional.


Hi Karolus, I created the link as you suggested but its giving me the same security warning. I want to turn off the warning some how - tks