I want to type " = " in the table on libreoffice writer, but i can’t.
Please, Help me.
As this is about Writer I re-tagged with writer
instead of common
Recent LO releases tried to bridge the gap between Writer tables (initially containing only text) and Calc spreadsheets by offering a limited computation capability.
Whenever you type =
at the very start of a cell, you trigger the formula editor (just as if you typed F2
) and the formula bar opens above the document below the menu/tools bar.
To prevent this from happening, type a space or other character before =
and erase the extra character afterwards.
The sequence could be Space
. Not very user-friendly: 5 key presses instead of one.
Alternatively, type your text without the initial =
and when done, add it at start of cell.
There does not appear to be a way to disable special handling of =
when initially filling a cell.
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Additional to @ajlittoz proposals: Insert a Zero Width Space, so you haven’t to delete the space afterwards. But this is “not user friendly” as well: Type U+200b
and then hit Alt+X
to generate this character.
Easier: Copy the =
into clipboard and insert; or drag an drop from outside the table…
Additional to @ajlittoz proposals: Insert a Zero Width Space, so you haven’t to delete the space afterwards. But this is “not user friendly” as well: Type U+200b
and then hit Alt+X
to generate this character.
Easier: Copy the =
into clipboard and insert; or drag an drop from outside the table…