How to ungroup Svg file?

I need help, I have a svg file and I want to ungroup it, is there a way of doing it?

You would be best trying to ungroup it in Inkscape
If you insist on LibreOffice then you could open it in Draw, click Shape - Break then carefully select the individual lines and group then for each part.

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Sometimes it need Convert > To Curve and then Ungroup (in Draw)


Either way in LibreOffice you can lose text. Pattern fills, hatching and gradients will completely ungroup to individual elements.

Seriously, use Inkscape, you will have levels of grouping so not everything falls apart at once and text is retained.


Thanks @EarnestAl

Thanks @KamilLanda

I do this every day these days. The simplest (in Draw or Impress) is to right click on the SVG and choose SHAPE|BREAK. Then you can work with the individual components of the SVG. This works well for icons, but the more complex the SVG the less likely it will work well. If it doesn’t work, then do it in Inkscape as some answers have suggested.

I have a video on it here - Working with icons - including break and recombine - using Libreoffice Draw and Impress on Linux - YouTube

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