How to use GETPIVOTDATA with two rows and only one Criteria

Consider the table:

And the pivot table:

The formula “=GETPIVOTDATA(“Sum - Records found”,A1,“Month”)” doesn’t work.
I can only get it to work if I ask for the Client too:
“=GETPIVOTDATA(“Sum - Records found”,A1,“Month”,“2024-01”,“Client”,“A”)”

How can I get the total per month? Only thing I can think of is to put the client in the columns, but then I risk a huge table (lots of columns).

Attached the example.GetPivotData - Total Per month.ods (12.2 KB)

The GETPIVOTDATA function in Calc displays only existing items in the pivot table.
Set the properties of the “Month” field to Subtotals : Automatic and the formula will work.