Hi hwtan 
host share user (ok this I know)
“Host” is the server URL. For example file.service.com
Label (ok this probably the user can decide himself) Root
“Label” could be anything to your liking. For example Linode server 123456 LibreOffice 5.x
The “Label” is for you to give a name for this connection. This name will show in the Service listbox of the Open or Save remote files dialog.
Find the documentation and more examples about remote files at Using Remote Files - LibreOffice Help
Related to remote files, the cloud version of LibreOffice is called “LibreOffice Online”
The official wiki documentation about LibreOffice Online is at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LibreOffice_Online
That page contains links to information about setting up LibreOffice Online on remote servers
If you are a developer, for LibreOffice Online support requests, bug reports, new feature requests find that official Bugzilla tool at https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?list_id=704921&product=LibreOffice%20Online&query_format=advanced&resolution=---
To join the efforts and contribute go to https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LibreOffice_Online
Then find the instructions under the “Development” section.