I have the same question, but for LibreOffice Draw: How can I insert a (right-alined) TAB stop in a Table in Draw?
When I right-click on the ruler, I do not get any menu to switsch between left-/center-/right-aligned Tab stops. So, could not place the Tab Stop via the Ruler. I had to edit the paragraph style to enter a right-aligned Tab stop. That’s not great, but it’s fine. However, when I place the curser in the table cell with the right aligned Tab Stop and press CTRL+TAB, no Tab is inserted. Instead, the curser jumps to the next table cell. 
Before the predictable barrage of “use Styles” and “use more columns” non-answer posts come in: Please refrain. I am “drawing” a mock-up of a UI that has a drop-down menu where I want to place left-aligned text and a right-aligned downward pointing triangle to indicate the drop-down.
Thank you for any help.