How can I (by using the Clone Formatting Tool ?) apply the format from e.g. a merged three cell range to just one other single cell? Without the format automatically being applied not only to that single cell but also the two adjacent cells in this example.
Create a cell style for the merged cell with the attributes that you want. You can then apply that style to any cell or range of cells by making a selection and then double clicking the cell style in the sidebar
As a workaround (to avoid creating a new cell style):
- Unmerge the source cells
- Select the formatted source cell
- Double click the Clone Formatting icon
- Undo (to re-merge)
- Click on the destination cells
- Esc to disable more cloning
Avoid merging. It spoils sheets.
The only exception should be headers describing/naming the content of a couple of columns semantically as a whole. In that case I can hardly imagine a reason to NOt define a dedicated cell style which you can apply to the first cell in each next use-case before you merge.
Thanks for that solution: I now have made several new cell styles that are available in any sheet I make and/or change. Very helpful!