LIbre Office Version: (x64)
Win 7-64
The existing converter is very bad. It looks like a macro generator program which produces pretty awful HTML code. So there are two questions. The existing code output is compliant with HTML 4.0, will this be changed to HTML 5? And, has the code generator been modified to produce better HTML?
When I open an HTML file in a browser it looks ok. So I’m not arguing that the end result of a bad code generator leads to a poor viewing as an HTML document. Instead, the code quality seems poor. Let me show you some examples:
<p class="western"><br/>
instead of <p></p> or <p><br/>
<a name="__RefHeading___Toc5237_2473493380"></a>Oct. 29, 2019 <font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><font size="3" style="font-size: 12pt"><b>D</b> </font></font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><font size="3" style="font-size: 12pt"><b>enial
of Architecture Committee Documents</b></font></font><br/>
instead of
<a name="__RefHeading___Toc5237_2473493380"></a>Oct. 29, 2019 <font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><font size="3" style="font-size: 12pt"><b>D</b><b>enial of Architecture Committee Documents</b></font><br/>
<p class="western">I hope you have a splendid day.</p>
<p class="western">All the best,</p>
<p class="western"><br/>
instead of
<p class="western">I hope you have a splendid day.</p>
<p>All the best,</p>
<p ><br/></p>
There are more examples, but these illustrate the idea. The output is much too wordy, and very difficult to deal with.
So, is any work being done on an HTML code generator replacement?