
I use Libre Office calc (for the moment) for managing some 20 000+ URL files local links.
These files are located :

  • On my local hard drive (only on windows : c:\users\me\file1.pdf)
  • on my national intranet network (http://www.myLocalDomain.local/temp/file2.pdf )
  • on my local network (\MyServer\my file.pdf). Some files are linked on a network hard drive with a letter : o:\MyFile.pdf)

I use Libre Office calc for managing all these files (links, dates of updates, author…) because Calc is very usefull for simulating a database (we don’t have access to a database because of rights management s!)

How to test with a cURL function the presence (or absence) of the remote file?
Is the FileExists function can test the remote file on another server than which the OOCalc file is stored ?

Thanks a lot

for http://... rather WEBSERVICE

WEBSERVICE() though loads the entire content behind the URL, which probably is unwanted overkill.
Rather write a short macro that iterates over cells and for each executes a system call using the Shell Function with curl -I ... or a shell script using it and redirects/appends output or status information, that then can be loaded into Calc.


fancy to add a second [optional] parameter ? (then a third for POST ? :wink: )

at naive glance, seems reachable … interpr7.cxx (revision c8f7408d) - OpenGrok cross reference for /core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr7.cxx

Adding parameters to interoperable (e.g. with Excel) functions is always a bad idea.


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That’s a solution, but I must test if I have right to do that. Th’ast’s why I ask my question for using an “internal” LO solution. I am not sure I have right fos launching Shell function…

However, I will test WEBSERVICE.HEAD ( I haven’t see that) because I think it is the better way In my context of “not admin of my work PC”

I will test tomorrow

Thanks to all

no need. It doesn’t exist (yet!)
that was just a lobby-istic question to @erAck (who is THE specialist of Calc);

with a bit of positive feedback, we might make it an enhancement request,
then get a bit of traction to an easyHack,
etc etc …

meanwhile the macro approach he suggested would be the way for voluminous docs.

I have test at home the solution, all is OK (very long but OK)
However, I have tested yesterday in reals contions at work, on my LAN and all is … catastrophic !
It is not a LO probleme, but our LAN problem with all the specifics rights (a network with sensitives datas therefore super very protected)
I have kept yours solutions and I will test on excel if the solutions are faster (I am not a great fan but using Excel ils very recommended at work !)
Thanks a lot

Hi, you may also want to try the below function. Maybe it is faster than the WEBSERVICE
Good luck,

Global oUCB as Any

Sub Main
	msgbox pathExists("")
end sub

function pathExists(aUrl as String)

	if IsEmpty(oUCB) then 
		oUCB = createUnoService("")
		oUCB.Initialize(Array("Local", "Office"))

	xId = oUCB.createContentIdentifier(aUrl)
	xContent = oUCB.queryContent(xId)

	Dim aProps(0) as new
	aProps(0).Name = "IsDocument"

	Dim aCommandGetPropertyValues as new
	aCommandGetPropertyValues.Name = "getPropertyValues"
	aCommandGetPropertyValues.Argument = aProps

	xValues = xContent.execute(aCommandGetPropertyValues, 0, null)

	iCol = xValues.findColumn("IsDocument")
	pathExists = xValues.getBoolean(iCol)
End function

If someone want to have the solutioin I have done (in french with auto-translate) : Comment me suis-je sorti de mon souci de test de la présence (ou pas) de fichiers sur mon "serveur" (html statique) Web ?