Huge(!) ruler in one single existing document after update

Hello. I just updated from to (x64, Windows 8.1) and, when I opened my current main document in Writer, it was huge. Really. Huge. See screenshot:

So I created a fresh new document, and the ruler was normal. Then I opened another document that had been opened/edited by older LibreOffice versions, and the ruler was normal.

For now I simply disabled displaying the ruler, but that’s not a solution. How do I get normal ruler size back?

(I can’t share the troublesome document, unfortunately, as it’s contents are sensitive.)

This is tdf#121269

You should make that an answer, Mike - it’s what is “correct” here. :wink:

Thanks Mike. And I agree with David. I’ll wait for 6.1.4 meanwhile…

As Mike Kaganski commented on OP’s question, this is a known bug: fdo#121269

The good news for those using the 6.1.n branch (rather than 6.2) is that it has been fixed in 6.1.4, so the solution is to upgrade to that version if you are affected by this bug.