Hyperlink: make the whole cell clickable?

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 0bdf1299c94fe897b119f97f3c613e9dca6be583

Please see the attached example:
Hyperlink.ods (16.6 KB)

In this sheet, there is a hyperlinked cell which takes you to Sheet2.
As you click around the cell, you may notice that the upper 50% of the cell is completely unresponsive to ctrl-clicking. Also the bottom ~25%, as well as anywhere to the right of the text.

The only active area is above a portion of the text itself, yet not even the whole text area.

Is there any conceivable way to make the entire cell active to ctrl-click the link?

If the link is permanent and not by formula then you could

  1. Insert a rectangle shape to fit just inside the cell, coloured white to match background, no border.
  2. Right-click and select Anchor > To Cell (resize with cell).
  3. Double click it to add any text. Right click and select Text and select Word wrap text in shape if there will be a problem with text overflowing on cell resize.
  4. With shape selected, press Ctrl+K, select Document, then under Target in Document select the sheet, OK
  5. With shape selected, right-click and select Arrange > To Background
    If you need to edit the cell or object, double-click the drawing object in Navigator to select it.

Clicking anywhere on the shape which fills the cell will take you to the target. It should be Ctrl+click and it was up to but some bug tdf#163383 has crept in. A cell with text in linked the same way requires a Ctrl+click.

In attached file, E3 has shape linked to Sheet2, D3 has just the cell linked.
Hyperlink112432EA.ods (17.6 KB)

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Thank you for the idea, but the link is in fact a formula.
Actually there are 360 such hyperlinks in the worksheet I’m editing, and they are all unique.
Unfortunately, programming a button for each individual link would be extremely onerous.

either, reduce the height|width of the row|column and|or increase the size of the font!

Thank you for the suggestion; I know that the size of the text itself relates currently to the clickable area.

Given the layout of the actual worksheet I am editing, adjusting the font to match the size of the cell would look quite odd.

So, I’m still wondering of there are other ways (or “tricks”) to make the hyperlink more responsive to user clicks.

Reducing the padding of the border may help a little.