I realise that I may be asking the wrong question … I am trying to find out how to start with what I now realise is a Microsoft format (xlsx) and end up with an acceptable file in Libre Office format. Please note my aim is not printouts or layout of any kind, the information, which includes a column of numbers and two or three columns with quite a lot of text, is I believe destined for a database, but I have no control over that.
The essential file I end up with must be “text tab delimited”, I assume this replaces the original “columns” in the spreadsheet. This is for database use, not printout use, so the visual formatting is not relevant to me.
A friend said “just save the xlsx into an Open Office format”, but this only allows me then to save it out of Calc as a csv file again, and I am back where I started … I can choose tab delimiting, but every time I read or save it after that, it either installs loads of extra “” marks, or erases all the commas in the content text, or both!
I can “open it with” ods, but that again only gives me .csv as the Open Office format, with the same results above.
I need to be able to produce something compatible with the Microsoft text tab delimited, but in LO and not with a lot of extra characters inserted or deleted …
I’m fine as long as I have the Microsoft suite installed - I can just save or re-name to xls. As soon as I don’t have that avaialble, I seem to be stymied.
Thank you for any info.
By the way there used to be some access to the LO team for help, has that ended, or am I looking in the wrong place?