I am trying to put a bold border around selected columns in Calc but there is not options available, please help

bold borders in calc

Hello Willow, to make thick borders on selected columns in Calc you could do:

1) Right-click inside the selection, and choose the menu-item "Format Cells...",
2) in the dialog that pops up, select the tab "Borders",
3) set the Line Width to ( for example ):  3,50 pt.

Brilliant that works, many thanks. However when I put the border around the whole selection it deletes the lines within the selection, any thoughts how to prevent this?


In the User defined area, you can click to set or remove individual lines. The preview shows lines in three different states:

  • black (or other color): sets the corresponding line
  • grey: no line will be set or removed
  • white: the corresponding line of the selected cells will be removed

This is very detailed in this help page.


In the Borders dialog you can choose the type of borders you want; select the one that suits your needs. When you hover your mouse over the options, a tool tip will pop up (unless you have turned this option off). You can also define your own layout in the window below the pre-set selection options.

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