I can collapse several rows/lines in Calc by using the Group function. But what about in Swriter?

In the dialogue that opens replace the 0 with a 1 and OK. See what happens.
Repeat but replace the 1 with a 2, OK and see what happens.

OK? I see no OK anywhere on this page. I changed the 0 to 1, then 2. Nothing changed.

I may need a word processor that is more intuitively designed. I’m used to Jarte! That is like kindergarten for word processing I suppose.

There’s a lot of software that people have no clue about unless they spend hours/days/weeks learning about it. That is a huge design mistake. It should be simple enough to try the basics and it should use conventional things we’re used to as much as possible. That’s good design. When the user needs more they learn more on how to do that but they should be able to get a gist of the program right away. Otherwise they just walk away and a customer/user is lost. Design should be “As much as possible as soon as possible”. Imagine you were selling a car where everything was positioned differently. Steering and braking and accelerating were all different. How would that sell? Not so well!

I think that Hidden text is the simpler option.
As a workaround on paragraphs: Insert a one-cell-table. You can hide it, setting the Row Height to 0 (menu Table - Size) and [ ] Fit to size,
and unhide it marking [x] Fit to size (while hidden, you must select the cell with the black arrow mouse pointer).

Is there any way of getting this page to stop collapsing comments? Its really irritating having to constantly hunting down things buried by its automatically collapsing syndrome. Also a comment replied to someone should appear right below their post, not at the bottom. I don’t suppose I can control that though.

Nothing in Preferences controls this.

Use Google, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, etc. Goodbye

Sorry to be such a pain. I do appreciate your efforts.

This a downside effect of the engine behind this site (not designed by LO devs anyway) when you don’t follow the intention: it is supposed to be a Question & Answers, i.e. a self-sufficient question with all relevant details, among which a clear statement about asker’s intent and goal, followed by several tentative solutions. This question has drifted towards a “conversation” as is common on forums. I don’t say you’re off-topic, you’re off-procedure.

See Outline folding mode.