version 4.2.5_win_86. Windows 7 professional os. I cannot get libreOffice to use the Hebrew font I have selected. I suppose I’m not doing something basic but I can’t figure out what.
Which Hebrew font? What format (Type1, TTF, OTF) is the font? In what context is it being used (i.e., as a character style in an English document or in a Hebrew document)? Please refer How to use the Ask site link at top right.
Have you added the option to select ¨Complex Fonts¨? TOOLS > OPTIONS > LANGUAGE SETTINGS > LANGUAGES > COMPLEX TEXT LAYOUT(CTL) and then select HEBREW? Does the Font actually support Hebrew? You may find the WRITER manual useful - Chapter 2 Setting up Writer. Peter
Thanks, Peter, but I have done that, and consulted the Manual, too. Nothing can get the Hebrew characters onto my screen … very frustrating.
If the settings @petermau suggested don’t lead to the solution, I suspect that there are setting in your W7 not right.
I assume that W7 still has the notepad or something similar. Can you use this Hebrew font there?
If the font was not installed from the beginning, how did you install the font? (Detail steps)