I cannot install mendeley for mac

It does not appear Install plugin for Libreoffice and I cannot find the mendeley extensions to install using the Tolls> extension manager.
Can you help me?


this seems to not install automatically: Perform the following:

  • Open Finder
  • Select Go -> Applications
  • Right click Mendeley Desktop.app -> Show Package Contents
  • Select Contents - Resources -> openOfficePlugin and you’ll find a file named Mendeley-1.19.4.oxt (version may differ depending on your Mendeley version)
  • Double click the file Mendeley-1.19.4.oxt and the extension will be installed in LibreOffice
  • Restart LibreOffice

Summary: The full path is /Applications/Mendeley\ Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/openOfficePlugin/Mendeley-1.19.4.oxt

Hope that helps.

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