I can't get the "no fill" button under "highlight" to work.

It insists on filling in when I just want the letters to change color, not the background. It was working for awhile but it won’t work now. This is the first day I’ve tried to use the program for anything. It’s been anything but intuitive to use. Is there other editing software that’s easier to use for simple highlighting text to show what changes have been made by me?
The first few times I clicked in the “no fill” box there was a check mark and the highlighting was working as I wanted. But now I can’t make clicking there do anything. It’s just ignored.
Thanks for any help.

You may have set some other kind of highlighting such as paragraph formatting or character style. If you provide a link to the document, we can see what happened. To change the color of the letters, use the Font Color button, not the Highlight Color button. Also, it may help to select the text with the problem and go to Format → Clear Direct Formatting.

My comment was too long for the comment section.

Format > Clear Direct Formatting just removes all the highlighting.

What I’m doing is selecting a section of text, (Control + C), and pasting it further in the document (Control + V) so I can edit it without changing the original document. I then highlight the section I changed so it will stand out in the working document. For my first six times the letters in the segment I’m highlighting changed to the highlight color I chose. After that I had twelve more sections I copied and pasted so I could edit them but when I go to highlight those 12 I can only get the entire block to highlight as it fills in the entire block with color instead of just the text. For those six where it worked correctly I placed a check mark in the “no fill” box. Now that box rejects being selected. It does nothing when I click in the “no fill” box.

There is no way of knowing what is going on unless you provide an example document, or else clear, step by step, reproducible instructions starting from a blank document. I also do not understand what you are trying to do by highlighting and clicking the “no fill” box – that removes the highlighting, so why click on the highlighting button at all? Did you try using the Font Color button as I suggested? That button makes “the letters to change color, not the background.”

OK, got it. Thanks Jim. I thought choosing a font color would just make current typing be in that color. I didn’t know I could color already written text using it.