version 4.3.5 , windows 8.1
I’ve looked in the Manual, and in the Q&A–in Page Break Preview mode, can’t move the page breaks with my mouse, or insert a row break. Nothing I try “takes”–nothing changes.
version 4.3.5 , windows 8.1
I’ve looked in the Manual, and in the Q&A–in Page Break Preview mode, can’t move the page breaks with my mouse, or insert a row break. Nothing I try “takes”–nothing changes.
In the Normal view, Edit menu, when I select Delete Page Break, the two choices (row break and column break) are grayed out.
Page breaks are - as far as I know - not moveable. You In ‘Normal’ view you will have to delete one in its old place via the ‘Edit’ menu and insert a new one where you want it to be.
Luckily @ROSt53 was attendig and noticed my error. He also provided the correct answer.
Addendum: There is a topic “previews;page breaks for printing” in the offline help touching this matter.
@ROSt53 - Thank you! May I suggest to convert your comment into an answer?
Again I have to confess to be too stubborn. As I judge the pagebreak preView as a useless (and even detrimental) deviation from the functionality of spreadsheets, I never use it. (Of course, the Preview may be of some use now and then. But when I still had to cooperate with Excel users I saw them working on their sheets in this view all the time.
@ Lupp - “…when I still had to cooperate with Excel users I saw them working on their sheets in this view all the time.”… we share another experience…
Please try with the option:
Menu/Tools/Options/LIbreOffice calc/Print - Always apply manual page breaks.
Tried this option. Inserted one Row Break. It added FIVE row breaks. Tried to delete them…wouldn’t delete any of them. Had to turn off the option to get it to revert to just the one page break I’m trying to remove and replace.
As @ROSt53 has commented to move page breaks use Menu/Pagebreak view and drag the page break blue line, overlapping two of them one disappears. Also it can be deleted in Menu/Edit/Delete page breaks.
It allows me to delete page/row breaks. But when all are deleted, and I have the document set to print on one page, and I Insert a page/row break–that new, one-and-only break does nothing to separate the document into two pages; it remains on one page.
Also, I can select the page break blue line, but when I drag it, nothing happens–it stays right where it was.
I know this is an old post, but hopefully this will help others who were searching for an answer to this problem.
Dragging breaks in “page break preview” does nothing unless you set page scaling (Format/Page/Sheet) to “reduce / enlarge printout”. Once in this scaling mode, manually manipulating breaks works as expected.
No it does not for me.
OK LIBRE Nothing on this page is working so far. Please Chime in.