I can't open my documents

I installed an update (7.5) and now none of my documents will open. I tried re-booting a couple of times, but it didn’t help. I am running Windows 10 on a Lenovo tower.

Assign files to LibreOffice

I too am in Win 10 on a Dell that isn’t up to the latest MS 11 hog-file. I was not able to open LibreOffice at all after the 7.5 update. No error, just flickers and doesn’t open. Multiple reboots and a re-install made no difference. I uninstalled the update and re-installed When y’all get it fixed let me know. Thanks!

You tagged base. This means an issue with the database component. Is this the case? Otherwise, retag common, i.e. a problem “common” to all components (Writer, Calc, Impress, …).

Have you added the new version of LibreOffice to your anti virus Allowed list? I have to do this for every upgrade for Windows defender.

Also see General Installation Issues (Windows) - The Document Foundation Wiki

Hi Earnest Al ~ I saw this reply on another thread that was years old. I use Norton’s, which manages Defender for me. I havent’ had to add anything to an “allowed” list. The app installs clean as a whistle, no error codes, it just won’t open. When I uninstalled it and re-installed the older version, there is no problem with it. It looks like it’s specific to 7.5

I thought you said you couldn’t open any documents.

If LO won’t open then open Control Panel and in Programs and Features right click LibreOffice and select Repair

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This is what I did and voila, it works great.

I thought I’d run Repair after the first download but couldn’t recall for sure, so I downloaded and installed the update again. It is now vs., and the third time was the charm, no repair needed. It is now successfully working. Thanks for being there!