I created a document in Office Writer containing pictures from my HD and now can't open it

While working on the document and typing and adding photos, it all looks fine. I even save during the process at different times in the event of a power failure, etc. I can even print it out successfully during the time I’m initially working on it and it prints fine. BUT… If I come back the next day and try to reopen the file, I get a corrupt message that says it can’t be opened and do I want Libre to repair it.
Any of the saved files of that particular job says the same thing.
The last time when I told it to try to repair, it opened up but ALL the photos were a blank box with FILE Error in the picture box. All the photos were added from my hard drive or a disc via ‘add image’. I spent 3 days dealing with this and thank God I printed out any progress before shutting down at night so the file was lost but not the actual project result. just wasted all that time typing.

So, what is your question?

Is it about blank boxes? In this case we need more information: OS name, LO version and save format. How many photos? Document size? Answer to last question will tell if photos are copied inside the document or if you only link them to their original file location.

Did you move either the document from one directory to another one? Or the photo directory? making the reference invalid. Are the photos on a removable medium? In which case, next time you attach the removable medium its internal designation is not the same, making again references invalid.