I have an embedded video in a Libreoffice Impress presentation. Is it possible to recover the original filename of that video (before embedding)?

I’m using LibreOffice in Ubuntu 16.04.

I have an ODP presentation with an embedded video, which plays just fine. I would like to recover the original filename of that video (before the embedding took place), is it possible? Perhaps this piece of information is hidden somewhere in the content.xml, but how do I access it?

Related question: I have an embedded video in a Libreoffice Impress presentation. How do I export it as a separate file?

The ODP file is a ZIP format file.
So change the file extension to ZIP and extract.

The free 7-Zip app understands that all LO files are ZIPs.
So using 7-Zip you can just right-click and extract.

The video files are in the Media folder.

The video files may have the original file name in the file metadata.
Take a look at the metadata using free tools such as VLC player or MediaInfo.

I know LO annoyingly (and stupidly) changes the file names,
but I do not know if it also stupidly destroys the metadata.

and stupidly

Hmm… you seem to know the reasons behind this, and know why the reason is not good, or implementation is wrong. Could you please share your wisdom? Or avoid the unreasonable epithets.

There is no “good reason” to modify users’ files names other than to add something to make them unique if needed.
There is nothing “unreasonable” about calling this stupid; it is patently stupid.
Just like renaming all the images to useless unidentifiable names/numbers is patently stupid.
Oh no, someone criticized LO and called something (rightfully) stupid. Get over it.
I also know that debating such things here is a waste of time.
Suddenly some dev says, duh, and fixes it. Right.

Thanks for the help, and I’m sorry that a heated debate started :). Anyway, thanks @LibreTraining for your detailed instructions - they worked for me. @librebel’s method was slightly easier, so I marked that one as correct. But this one works just as well.

Hello @gsaponaro,

If you select the video object in your Slide ( in Design mode ), and then enable the Toolbar “Media Playback” by selecting the menu View : Toolbars : Media Playback, then you can see the “Media Path” of the embedded video object being displayed below in the Media Playback Toolbar.

The Media Path looks like: vnd.sun.star.Package:Media/your_video.flv, where the part after the slash is the name that was used for embedding this object.

If the video was originally embedded using the standard way provided by the GUI, then the name and extension after the slash should be the same as the original filename and extension.

HTH, lib

Thanks, it worked. I did not quite understand the “in Design mode” part, but I guess I had it on already. The Media Path field had the information I was looking for.