MacOS Mojave 10.14.06
Why? - What is the error message which causes you to reinstall?
No error message. The icon on my bar is an ?. And when i click it goed to the install file. When I click that it starts with configurating again. Which takes long.
Why do you click an ?
if it starts installation?
The ? is one the place where the libre icon is when i turn the computer off. The libre icon has disappeared and i cannot find LibreOfiice in the Programs in Finder. In other words, LibreOffice is nowhere to be found. Only when i click the ? and after installation I can use it.
Do you mean after an installation nothing is in /Applications/
I seem to remember the similar behavior when I dragged the icon in the LO’s macOS installer not onto the Applications folder in the same installer window, but to Applications folder in Finder.
@mikekaganski, I don’t know if it’s a LO-specific thing but dragging applications from the .dmg window directly to the /Applications folder is the same as dragging the app icon to the .dmg window’s /Applications alias.
I have moved LibrOffice to the applications folder and now it works fine. Thanks for the help.