I have libre 7. Use windows 10. I cannot open any of my files

I am desperate. I reset the DNS on my laptop and worried that I might have done something to affect Libre. I cannot open any of my files, not even open the desktop icon. please help

I’m having the same problem, but I never reset my DNS.

Is your anti-virus blocking it? Question 291991 had a problem with LO not opening. Sadly, there were no details in how the problem was resolved apart from Anti-virus and repair

From that answer it seems that some anti virus (Sentinel 1 for example) can prevent programs from running. You might need to add Libreoffice to the list of allowed programs.

Open your anti virus, and look for anti ransomware settings. You need to add soffice.bin to the list of allowed programs. Note that sometimes a Windows restart (Not power off as Windows defaults to hibernate fit that) is needed for the setting to take effect

@Rona I don’t think resetting your DNS will have caused the issue. Try looking at my comment above. Cheers, Al

Some anti-virus programs can block LO from running. Most can stop you opening your files.

Allow LibreOffice access to controlled folder

The below numbered list is from Use the Windows Defender Security app to allow specific apps

  1. Open the Windows Security by
    selecting the shield icon in the
    task bar or searching the start menu
    for Defender.
  2. Select the Virus & threat
    tile (or the shield
    icon on the left menu bar) and then
    select Ransomware protection.
  3. Under the Controlled folder
    section, select Allow an
    app through Controlled folder
  4. Select Add an allowed app and
    follow the prompts to add apps. You
    need to allow access to

Turn Off Defender (Maybe for dual boot)

Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection.
Under Virus & threat protection settings, select Manage settings.
Under Controlled folder access, select Manage Controlled folder access.
Switch the Controlled folder access setting from On to Off.

3rd Party Anti-virus

If you do have a third party anti-virus go into settings and then look for something like anti-ransomware or folder protection. Have a look at the blocked apps list, if you see soffice.bin in there change it to Allowed (you might have to read AV help if not obvious). Otherwise go to the Allowed Apps setting and allow soffice.bin, this might not be easy so you might have to change the file type to All to see it and to add the Allowed list. Note that 3rd party anti-virus might make files Read Only so you can create a new file but you can’t save it subsequently. Sometimes, you might need to reboot after allowing a program access.

Cheers, Al