I have lost the Language-Tool on the status bar, where can I get it back?

This question arose with LibreOfficeWriter
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: ddb2a7ea3a8857aae619555f1a8743e430e146c9
CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 6.8; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: de-DE (de_DE.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

Somehow during editing, the content of the status bar for a document has changed: I lost the tool where I can set the language (or no language) for the current selection.

Currently, the tools on my statusbar of this document are:

  1. whether the document needs to be saved before exiting it

  2. page x of y

  3. Status of the accessibility check (I never noticed that before)

  4. Insert vs. overwrite mode (I don’t like this button, I’d better like to get rid of it. I also blocked the Ins key on the keyboard to prevent accidentally activating overwrite mode).

  5. Standard selection vs. other selection modes

  6. Digital signature

  7. Section name

  8. Single page view

  9. Double Page view

  10. Book view

  11. Zoom control items

On another document (which is open in another window of LO Writer), the items on the status bar are:

  1. whether the document needs to be saved before exiting it

  2. page x of y

  3. Word and character count,

  4. Status of the accessibility check (I never noticed that before)

  5. Language for current selection tool

  6. Insert vs. overwrite mode (I don’t like this button, I’d better like to get rid of it. I also blocked the Ins key on the keyboard to prevent accidentally activating overwrite mode).

  7. Standard selection vs. other selection modes.

  8. Digital signature

  9. Numbering Level

  10. Single page view

  11. Double Page view

  12. Book view

  13. Zoom control items

I never knew that the content of the status bar can be configured. Where can I configure it? I could do without the signature item (it has no inscription on it) and I’d like to suppress the item Insert vs. Overwrite mode.

This happens to me sometimes, mostly after resizing the window. Try closing and reopening the document.

You are right: I closed the document (while keeping LO running with the other one with the comparison toolbar). After reopening the window, the toolbar re-appeared as in the comparison document.

If that’s the case, we should report it as a bug. - At least your hint has solved my current problem, but it might come again.

Indeed, it came again, less than five minutes after I had reopened the file.

I tried to change the language of a headline: After I selected it, the toolbar changed and just the tool which I was going to apply vanished from it.

Preliminary conclusion: It is a bug.

I succeeded in isolating a small example file and submitted it to the LibreOffice Bugzilla (tdf#164610).

But the question remains open if there is a way to configure the toolbar. But even if there is such a thing, the toolbar should not change if one marks some text in order to assign some language to it.

Today I found out that moving the LO Writer window to another Workspace and moving it back to the old one the language tool re-appeared. That’s quicker than closing and reopening the document.

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