I have mis- set something = Calc will not perform calculations! Formulas do not work!

After having trouble in 3.4, I upgraded to latest release ( I changed something in 3.4, and continues in 3.5. No calculations occur, no matter how I enter them!

Does anyone have a hint for me? (I am so embarrased that I did not track the changes I made.)

Thank you in advance.

Careless me.


  1. Tools - Cell Contents - AutoCalculate

  2. Tools - Options - LibreOffice Calc - View - Formulas

  3. Ctrl+1 (or choose Format - Cells - Numbers tab), make sure the format is NOT text (set Number-Standard). Close this dialog, press F2, then space and Enter

This is spot on. I was opening Excel 2007 xlsx files, and I needed to set Recalculate formulas on opening.

“###” usually means that the cell width is not enough to display the results. Right click on the column header (A, B, C, etc) and choose Optimal Column Width and press OK.

Thank you for the answer to my question.

However, that has not solved what I have created! Calc knows it is a formula, but the answer is always “###”. I cannot get it to show answers. In the upper area where we enter our formula, the formula shows as entered. However, the cell will not show any answer other than ###

Any other clues?

Thank you,


Thank you again for your response.

Following is an example of a formula, which is all that will show up in the active cell as well, rather than the “answer” to the formula.

Example - D5 contains a 5
D6 contains a 4
The following formula should give an answer of 20. Instead, it only returns the formula itself.


Any further thoughts?

Thank you for your efforts.

Emabarrased, Careless me.

As of 07-15-2012 I still cannot find the setting to allow formulas to calculate in the cell.
Pedro was correct about the ### being too narrow a cell width. I actually knew that, but wondered if it was related to the problem, which it is not.

The cell shows the formula, but will not do the calculation.

Further suggestions?

Thank you.

Emabarrased and confused.

The sum of multiplication? Why not simply =D5*D6?

only returns the formula itself

It could sometimes happens if you put TEXT format for those cells.

Yes: This happened to me. Change content of cell to currency, and it worked!

I have the same problem. It seems to have happened just after creating a new default template, which I did to get rid of an ugly default font. I have tried all the suggestions mentioned here so far. There is an update available. I will check back after applying it.

Read again the second answer.

I did the update to 3.5.6 and an hour later to 3.6.0, and fixed the “Unhandled Exception” problem. The first page worked. But as soon as I opened the document I had been working on, the problem returned. I thought it has to be the template. I deleted the template, closed and reopened Calc, but the problem remains!

You may have selected “Display Formulas” (TOOLS/OPTIONS/CALC/VIEW display)?

Thanks - this answer sorted me out!

And when I checked again, the display formulas had been turned on again after the update.

Problem solved.

I’ve written a VB macro using the “set formula” for a rather complex formula and LO would not calculate the formula. I spent an hour looking for an error in my formula but the formula was correct. I finally got “set formula” to work by changing the separators from commas to semicolons :slight_smile:

code snippet that fails to compute:
formula = “=TRIM(RIGHT(B”+fRow+",LEN(B"+fRow+")_
" “+”"""+"&TRIM(LEFT(B"+fRow+",FIND("+""""+","+""""+",B"+fRow+")-1))"

code snippet that executes as expected:
formula = “=TRIM(RIGHT(B”+fRow+";LEN(B"+fRow+")_
" “+”"""+"&TRIM(LEFT(B"+fRow+";FIND("+""""+","+""""+";B"+fRow+")-1))"

Same problem. I just now got working when I used Cell Format to change the cells to Text and then bake to Numbers. I then edited the formula by adding a space and then deleting it in the formula and hitting enter. It worked but I do not know why. LibreOffice