I lose page and column breaks randomly.

I am using the latest version for windows. my target is a large format print book. I’m on page 29 and for many different reasons page breaks will be deleted, sometimes in the vicinity of my current activity, and sometimes on pages far from where i am working. it is such a hassle to constantly have to go and repair, and reintroduce page breaks that have been randomly deleted. the most likely reproducible action that will almost always lose a page break is just simply using undo, or ctrl-z.

The following doesn’t seem to be related but, 3-days ago it would freeze on me, completely. I think I solved that by updating my intel integrated video driver.

With no actual data, and no file to test, I can only guess that it could be a corruption in the user profile.

All the work was done with Writer?
How do you save your file?
There are images?
How do you insert the page breaks?
Are you working with insert page break before in the paragraph format or paragraph style?
Latest version number is …?
Operating system?

I am using writer, windows 11 education 22H2, with 25% deleted or disable services-tasks. I insert SVG images with link, sometimes i change the image then go into writer and check the image is 100% width, height. I insert column and page breaks after positioning my cursor, then from the file menu, “insert”, and then “page break”. using libreoffice

It sounds as if Writer might not be the tool you need. You might be better off using a page based desktop publisher such as Scribus, https://www.scribus.net/

It also has support for colour management

work around 1:
is it possible to create a page style that has permanent page breaks for every page. and can it be made impossible to delete without changing the style?.
work around 2:
is there an older version that may not have this problem?
work around 3:
start from scratch creating a new “user profile”, might this help?

  1. No, Writer is text based, not page based
  2. No, it is first and foremost a word processor so it is not a problem, it just doesn’t suit what you want to do.
  3. No, for the reasons above.

As a workaround, you could anchor the images To Page, right click image, select Properties > Position and Size and Anchor To page. This ties the image to the page (think the page number) so if the page break is deleted the images, but not the text will stay on the original page.

If the text needs to stay on the original page then that would also need to be in a frame anchored To Page. This can be made a Frame style so that would make it a bit easier to implement

60% of my images are page anchored, i guess my i could try to page anchor all the images, and see what happens

ok anchoring all the images won’t work. so far im 29 pages in to a 200 page large format book and i already have 70 images, 10% of which are extremely large, which is the reason it has to be a large format. lets say i get to page 100, at this rate i’ll have 210 images, and if i change something in the beginning i’ll have to then move 210 images, either if i anchor the images to the page or if i use scribus. so i must bow to the adobe god and beg them to pay double, no triple, $2000 for the privilege of using their software. a little note to the programmers, when every time a change is made to the document you need to take a snap shot of all the page breaks, until such time as you can start the whole project over from scratch. yes i know it will slow the whole program down, but now we have nvme and crazy fast computers. my next idea of a work around is serious, can i remove the ctrl-z, as a keyboard command in libreoffice, cause that is 99% of my problem.

I don’t know what your actual problem is. Inserting an image, adding a page break, adding another image, working with columns, … - all should just work. Without a sample file, and exact steps like “open this file; put cursor after X; press Y; insert Z; save as …; see the problem at page N…” - it’s simply impossible to see, understand the problem, provide an advise, or maybe fix something.

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if the moderator want to delete this entire thread ill repost when i get an example