I need a certain missing .msi to do a version upgrade

The 7abd48968c4da86fb3555d89342ada3c.msi file became corrupted, is unusable. Alas ver. 7.6.2 asks for it to do a version upgrade. Can I obtain a copy of this file somewhere?

This code is possibly specific to your system. You can obtain any released MSI, if you scroll down the download page to the bottom, and use the archive link there; but rather than that code, you need to know the version of the needed MSI, which should be asked in an error message that pushed you to look for the file.

Thanks v. much, Mike. It’s possibly a unique msi from my install of the prev. version. If I don’t have a solution, I will need to eventually accept that I’ll never be able to upgrade as newer versions come out.

I sincerely appreciate your willingness to help.

Cheers, Bil H.

  1. You didn’t show the error message you see.
  2. There is a FAQ, that lists a troubleshooting tool from MS, among other things.

Hello again, Mike. I don’t exactly get an error message. Here’s what I do get: Part way through the install process of the new version, it askes for the above named file, saying it can’t find it in the location it expects to find it. It then suggests I navigate to the actual location of said file.

Since the file no longer exists, as it became corrupted and is unrecoverable, I’m stuck. I’ve tried sev. different ways to run the new ver. msi, but w/o success.

Thanks again for your willingness to help.
Bill H.

Hello all, I have solved my issue. I needed a workaround to uninstall prev. version w/o referencing the .msi file needed. All is well now, w/ up and running.

Thanks Mike and to all who considering my request for help.