I want to set the default view layout to 100%

Hello. I would like to set the default view layout to 100% all the time, whenever I open a document. There are times when I open a document, my view layout is NOT at 100% and then there are times when I open a document and it IS at 100% view layout. When it is NOT at the 100% view layout, I have to click on the “pct” symbol on the bottom of the status bar, and select 100%, to give me the multiple page look that I like. I want to set the view layout at 100% to default, so that when any of my writer documents open they are at the 100% view layout. The 100% view layout lets me view my document in multiple pages instead of that annoying single page. I don’t understand why sometimes the writer document opens up in the multiple pages that I want and other times when I open a document, it opens in a single page.
Any thoughts on this?

Just for clarify:

The 100% zoom ratio not mean that you can see the 100% of the area of a page. The 100% zoom ratio means, that the size of the page width what you see on the display is (closely) equals to the size of the paper what you have selected for page size of your document.

In the “Single page view mode”, in the “Multi page view mode” and in the “Book view” mode the visible part of the pages (at 100% zoom ratio) depends on the size of your display.

If you have filled in the personal data in the settings, the LibreOffice will remember the zoom ratio what you used at the last editing of the document. (I do not know what will happen at opening a document what was edited by others.)

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Understood. So how do I get my document to display in “Multi page view” all the time? How do I make the “Multi page view” the default?

Fill-in the personal data in the Tools - Options - LibreOffice - User Data

Then the application will remember how (which view) you used the document at the last editing.

Would you know how is this done on a Mac? I have no ‘options’ in the tools menu…

Apple decided all Mac users have to find it at preferences, so they are not confused by alien concepts.

:wink: Appreciate your humour but I don’t get PC viruses and trojan horses - you’re welcome to that alien concept.

As far as I can see there is no option to set the opening zoom, and further nor does writer save at same zoom level as when it is closed. EVERY document has to be resized when opening.

Zoom level and view layout are saved in each document.

New documents zoom level is affected by the last zoom level you set to an open document.

Tested with LibreOffice (x64); OS: Windows 10.0.

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