I want tom use LO on my laptop. Is there a downside to replacing windows RT8,1 with Windows8,1

I have an HP laptop with 8Ghz memory

A better question might be whether it is even possible. My understanding is that laptops running WindowsRT have arm processors, and you cannot install ‘normal’ Windows, which runs on x86/x64 processors, eg. http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/f/4677/t/19521140

Best to check this with HP.

If it’s running Window$ RT, it’s running ARMv7, meaning you can’t install Window$ 8.1 on a RT 8.1 or do the opposite cuz it’d be like putting someone’s A blood in someone whose blood is O. While the system wouldn’t attack the regular 8.1, it won’t even begin to start the bootloader, let alone start Window$ problemlessly.

Bottom line: on hardware level there’s no compatibility between RT and non-RT. You’re busted if you have Window$ RT device until a program (or a game, for that matter) releases Window$-on-ARMv7 or Window$ RT edition. Stick with non-RT unless you’re absolutely sure you’re covered.