I wish to password protect a file. I have accessed Properties, Security and set a password but when I re-open the file I am not asked for the password. What am I doing wrong ??

I do not understand what

What file format do you use to save?


what you did is protecting the document for unwanted changes without having a password. Hence your action activated the Track Changes feature (See Edit -> Track Changes -> Record is activated). To disable that and to be allowed to accept changes, the password you’ve set in Properties -> Security is required.

What you seem to have intended, was to secure your document with a password, so only users knowing that password could even open the file: To achieve this, you need to provide a password during save operation, when you save your document for the first time.

  • File -> Save As (on existing files to provide for the first time with a password) –or
  • File -> Save (for new first-time saves)
  • Check the option [x] Save with password which appears in the Save dialog.

image description

Hope that helps.

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