Image Control rotates Portrait photos to Landscape

Hi there,
The Image Control (LO Base on Win10) rotates portrait photos to landscape on Forms and Reports. This also happens in previous LO versions.

How can this be avoided ?

Using an external means to “re-orientate” the original photo is not a practical solution in this case.

Can the Image Control be updated to recognise the portrait orientation and preserve it when displaying the photo ?


Image control will only show the image as it is. It doesn’t rotate it. Viewer for images will read the EXIF information from the image file and rotate the image. Could be a tool like Imagemagick will rotate the images and set the information for the rotation to default…

mogrify -auto-orient *.jpg

This will set the right orientation and changes the EXIF entry. Give a portrait photo with the image control from a *.jpg, which contains the right EXIF information.
see: auto orient with ImageMagick

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You should file this as “bug” with type “enhancement” at bugzilla as this would usually require coding in source.

Thanks Wanderer, response appreciated… Will follow-up with a bug posting as suggested.

Thanks RobertG for the response and suggestion.