Here is the re-post of my question as requested.
I am a new user who has poured over the questions and answers with no success.
LO version
MS Windows 10 with current updates.
The spell checker never worked except once there appeared a squiggly line under a word but it wouldn’t give me a suggestion and has never done it again. Typing a sentence with obvious errors then selecting “Tools/Spelling and Grammar” results the message: “Spellcheck is complete”.
Selecting Tools/Language - gets a check mark for English (USA) and no others.
Looking in: “Tools->Options …, Language Settings->Writing Aids” Items with checks are the following:
Lightproof grammar checker English.
Standard all English.
en US english USA.
Technical all.
IgnoreAllList all.
Check spelling as you type.
Check uppercase words.
Check special regions.
Minimum number . . . . . 5
Characters before . . . . 2
Characters after. . . . . . 2
Hyphenate special regions.
Regarding: “in tools - Options - Language settings - Languages - Default Languages for Documents.” The defaults are set for English USA.