Import AltSearch

I am running LibreOffice in Linux Mint. I use [AltSearch [version 1.4.1 2015].oxt]

I have it set with many saved searches. I want to install LibreOffice on a second computer and copy the AltSearch to the new computer. It would be a lot of work to re-create my searches. Can someone tell me what I should do do import the settings?

Thank you for your help

Copy AltSearchScript.txt from your existing user settings directory to the respective location on the new computer.

I’m guessing that a search for AltSearchScript.txt will show me where it’s located on my computer. This is probably the best and easiest way to do this. I’m thinking I’m going to have to change ownership to the new account name. Thank you very much.

Copy the entire user profile to the second computer - LO will then be configured identically on both PCs.

Thank you very much for your help. This would probably work but I don’t know how to do this. And it would probably carry the entire LO install and users to the new computer. Another person offered a one-step instruction. If that doesn’t work, I think I’d have to try this. Thank you.