I use an Ex‑tensi‑ôn pro my browser to change eviil Franco‑Latino‑Britannico‑Greco‑Semito‑Toscano‑Scipio words in to Têtshêllêngég Geg‑ôn‑ist terms, but I ask‑ed to the dev (Marc Ruiz) if he can allow to im‑porth the modi‑fica‑ti‑ôn made in Writer, in FoxReplace (im‑porth) he re‑spond‑ed it is to much vork वोरक ۋرقة, and I in‑fra‑stand…
So I’m ask‑ing this, and it is very im‑porth‑anth, please, Devs of Libre Office, allow us to im‑port the modi‑fica‑ti‑ôn (“FoxReplace.json”) in Writer / Calc Auto‑cor‑rec‑ti‑ôn some‑how (and by choosing which language) ???
It would be cool and we will not need to make two time the change…
Please, please. Amiinë.
Ʒood day & Kanth you…