I’m trying to move away from GoogleSheet after using it for a long time. Wondering if there is a way to import a particular cell or range from Googlesheet? Help appreciated
You can simply export your GoogleSheets to ods. Please have a look at:
- http://www.file-extensions.org/google-sheets-file-extensions
- http://www.file-extension.info/downloads/google-sheets
or you use the extension for handling GoogleDocs files:
Thanks, but sorry I did not explain clearly what I need, which is to import in realtime, just like how in GS we can put a function into the cell eg, =importrange(“0AsN6hf9B8wMgcHhNa1BxWVFMd2VVcEJBMDVoUm12Y3c”,“Sheet1!c3”)
which will populate the cell with value from another GS everytime you open the sheet and keep on updating. Is there an equivalent function for Calc?