Hi, I’m trying to import vectorial graphic (svg from inkscape) to libreoffice writer. It seems that have glitches and not render well (just an image and text). Is there a way to do this right? I’ve tried eps and svg options without success
In my experience, writer has problems with vector images, even Draw ones. In long documents it loses them, hides them, or refuses to print them, especially after any Undo, even if undo is unrelated to image. I now always enlarge the vector to 1.5-3 times size and take a screenshot, PNGs and GIFs are well behaved and, if colours are indexed, are small. Slow but not as slow as hunt the problem.
svg from inkscape
Inkscape can save in different formats; the internal formats seem to differ to LO’s internal formats. Same problem with SVGs from Wikipedia websites.
Best practice is to open and save SVGs in LO Draw (occasionally convert into bad format WMF), then insert in Writer.
I just opened a simple SVG (a single letter converted to path, created in Inkscape) in LO, then saved it from there. It still will not import as a macro icon. Maybe in this case, although LO gives the option of using SVG, you can’t.
LibreOffice does have some problems with different structures for texts in SVG. Proper, very basic, formatted SVG-XML from Inkscape results in malformed texts and slightly different build XML can result in proper presentation. I can’t get my finger behind it in detail.
That said, I noticed that sometimes the solution is to export PDF from Inkscape, open the same PDF in Inkscape and save as SVG again. This changes the structure in a way that LibreOffice better understands. This solution results in an inefficient SVG, but is often better than using bitmaps.