if you did not save your file in odp-format I am afraid you have to do some work. Here is what I would do
- Save the file in odp-format.
- Open the Master if the bullets are wrong here, correct them in the Master file and save the file
- Change to Normal View an than apply the corrected maste slide format to all slides. Use Master Pages windows of the sidebar.
What follows are some comments about my experience and ways to avoid problems.
In respect to MSO formats, I stay always until the end in LibO native formats and only create a MSO copy of the last saved version and still try to avoid the x-formats. Additionally I made the experience that a pdf-file is in most of my cases sufficient. Many people send out files in MSO or LibO or other formats when a pdf-file is sufficient. Depending on the situation you can even secure a pdf-file against copying and changes. The pdf-export function in LibO works very well. (I am using 4.3)
In the case of presentations I am also often asked to provide a ppt or pptx copy as a fall back solution is something happens with my PC or connection of my own PC is not possible, etc. For this I always carry a USB stick with a portable LibO version on it and my presentation. All I need is PC to plug the USB stick and can run on LIbO my own presentation.
As LibO is free you can encourage your partner(s) to also install LibO parallel to MSO. LIbO has nice features not only being free.