Impress Inconsistent/Odd Bullet Behavior when saving/copying

Bug created tdf#156184

I have created presentations using Impress several years ago which are used as templates to paste into newer presentations. Some time ago, I noticed bullets appearing on some of the slides when opening with Powerpoint and I’m finally getting around to troubleshooting them.

I’ve done a bit of troubleshooting and this is how the issue can be recreated.
Libreoffice (as far as I can tell all versions I’ve had for the last year or two have exhibited this)
Template PPTX file: No slides show bullets in either Impress or PowerPoint
Impress open/resave Template PPTX: Impress shows no bullets. Powerpoint shows slide 1 is fine but slides 2 and beyond all are bulleted.

A few items to note. The bullets that mysteriously appear seem to be distinctly different (smaller) than the bullets that are inserted by default when I use the bullet button in Impress to add them. If I manually add bullets using Impress to the affected slides, the mysterious bullets are replaced by the (larger) Impress bullets. However if I then remove the manually added bullets, the mysterious bullets reappear when opening with Powerpoint again.

This issue also occurs if I use Impress to copy the original template slides to a new presentation and save that using Impress (rather than just re-saving).

Opening the original template using Powerpoint and re-saving does not produce the issue.

The only way I’ve found to remove the bullets is to open the presentation using Powerpoint, un-bullet the affected slides, and re-save. Once this is done, neither Powerpoint nor Impress show bullets on the affected slides.

Template originally created in Impress (I think) showing no bullet issues:

Template opened and re-saved using Impress with bullet issues (slides 2 and beyond):

My first question is can this be replicated by others? And, obviously, my second question is about a solution. I’d be ok if Impress would just show the bullets so I can remove them when I notice them being pasted in the new presentations. But, ideally, these mysterious/hidden bullets should not added when resaving or copying/pasting in the first place.

Compatibility problem?

Please report the behavior also as an error in Bugzilla .

See also:

How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice .

Please post the link to the bug here.
format: tdf#nnnnnn (use only the number, not the link)
To do this, edit your original question.
Thank you very much.

If you work with LibreOffice, get the files in order and save only in ODF format. Only if you need to share files, save in the alien format as a copy.