I did a large presentation with images and text, I saved it and closed it. Now when I am opening it up, all of the images and a lot of the text has disappeared and the slide design as well… Any ideas??? Is there any chance of recovering??
Here is an example of before and after
Please help us so that we can help you.
Which operating system and which LibreOffice version are you using?
In which file format are you saving? Thank you.
You can upload your file here for someone to look at and examine, thank you.
Remove personal information beforehand.
Here is a link to the corrupt presentation it is saved in PowerPoint 2007-365 in LibraOffice Impress, Windows operation system.
Thank you for providing the file.
If you work with LibreOffice always save in ODFormat, for Impress this is ODG, it looks like it is a compatibility issue.
Is there any chance of recovering??
Do you have a backup from the file?
You can write a bug report on Bugzilla.