Impress Macro in full screen

I’m having an issue with getting impress macros to work in full screen, and I’m at my wits end

The issue is that when the line
oPresentation.IsFullScreen = false

is changed to true, I get no output in my file. msgbox or print statements will also not work with IsFullScreen = true, but both work with IsFullScreen = false

I am working my way to a kludge to detect the end of a presentation, and terminate LibreOffice. This would be for the ultimate aim of playing multiple slide shows back to back for digital signage.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Full non functional macro is below:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Global oDoc As Object
Global oPresentation As Object
Global oController As Object	
Global oListener As Object

Sub Main
End Sub

Sub EV_paused(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_resumed(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_slideTransitionStarted(oEv)
rem	print "Hello This is working now, but not in full screen?"
	open "/home/ubuntu/Hellotext.txt" for append as #1
	print #1, "this is the slide transition"
	close #1
End Sub

Sub EV_slideTransitionEnded(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_slideAnimationEnded(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_slideEnded(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_hyperLinkClicked(oEv)
End Sub

Sub EV_disposing(oEv)
End Sub                  

Sub addListener
	oDoc = ThisComponent 
	oPresentation = oDoc.Presentation
	oPresentation.CustomShow = ""
	oPresentation.IsShowAll = True
	oPresentation.IsEndless = False
	oPresentation.IsFullScreen = false
	oListener = createUnoListener("EV_","")

	rem msgbox "start"
	oController = oPresentation.Controller

	wait 100
	rem msgbox oController.dbg_properties
	open "/home/ubuntu/Hellotext.txt" for append as #1
	print #1, "this is after the listener is added"
	close #1
end sub

Looks like i was able to solve this, by adding a wait 100 right after the presentation start. Events are firing and everything is happy.

    rem msgbox "start"
+   wait 100

    oController = oPresentation.Controller

    wait 100