Impress master slides change layouts and add a subtitle

I am trying to configure the master slides and I am running into some trouble. I have found some posts about this, but they were very old, so I thought that maybe things have changed.
What I would like to do is change the layouts of the master slide. For example, in the layout that has two contents, I would like to change it so instead of one next to the other, the appear one above the other. Something like

Another thing that I would like to do is to create a layout with a subtitle (I don’t mind doing this in a different master slide). I would like something as follows
Alternatively, I could do this by modifying the first line of the content, and changing the style so I can format it without the bullet. However, I have not been able to do this either.


Maybe this article can help you, please:

My Master Slide in Impress
Learn how to create a Master Slide.

And this here just to add to it:

My Presentation in Impress

In addition:

English documentation

I hope it helps you

EDIT- hrbrgr 20210811 14:20-MEZS

@jrglez , sorry for just getting back to you. I was sick for a few days and could not concentrate so well.

I think I also misunderstood your request a bit.
Here’s to a new one:

If you want to have different layouts on different slides, it’s very easy.
See example 1 and 2:

Example 1, Impress-start:

Normally you see this page when you start Impress and do not select a basic layout.

3 is the sidebar (Ctrl + F5) with properties 4.

1 shows the slide according to the layout on the right 2 which is selected.

Example 2, new slide
Use the Slide>New Slide menu to create a new slide that initially has the same layout.
Select slide 2 and click on the “Title, Content over Content” selection in the Layouts sidebar.
Your second slide now has a different layout.

You can select all text units “Title” and “Content” and then copy and paste them.
You can do this for example for a second title.
You can adjust the font sizes and styles.
This is now “the quick way” to do it.

If you need a template more often save them as a document template.

I hope this can now help.

Thank you for the reply.
I was following that documentation, but I was not able to make the changes to the content to take effect. Now I realize that it was because I must make the changes through the styles, not through format.
However, I still cannot find a way to modify the layouts. Do you have any idea if it’s possible?

@jrglez , see my edited answer.

Thank you!
This is closer to what I need. However, is it possible to modify those layouts? For example, if in the example you show, I want the content on top to take up 1/3 of the space and the bottom one 2/3. I can achieve that reshaping the content boxes, but the changes are not applied to the next slide I create.
I guess I can just copy the previous slide. But if later I realize that I want the proportion to change to 1/4 and 3/4 (for example), I’d have to change all the slides by hand. Ideally, I would like something that changes automatically all the slides previously created.
Maybe I am asking for too much.

I would like something that changes automatically all the slides previously created.

Sorry, I don’t know anything about that personally.