Impress presentation advances to next slide on any mouse click in presenter console even on the scroll bar and buttons

When a user uses mouse to navigate in the presenter console, any mouse click will cause the present view goes to the next slide.

I tried turning off click on the background to go to next slide and manual next slide. Nothing helps.

This is urgent and it is making the Impress unusable. We have to use our old office 2007 for the moment.

I have reported the issue to the LibreOffice to Bugzilla.

I tried turning off click on the background to go to next slide and manual next slide.

It works for me.

It works only on the presentation screen, but if you click your mouse on Presentation Console, the click will change the slide to the next one. Please try it in Presentation Console. It is a huge bug!

Yes, it could actually be a bug. Thanks for the link.

Please test also with