Impress slide show gets stuck after 30 minutes

I have a very simple 5 slide ODP file with 1 picture per slide. I run Impress slideshow using the following command on a Raspberry Pi 3 and have been running happily from the past 2 years using Rasbian Jessie OS running LibreOffice version:
libreoffice --norestore --show --nologo --invisible ‘test.odp’

However, on Rasbian Buster OS running LibreOffice version:, the slideshow runs for about half hour to an hour and gets stuck at random slides. If I press any key it will transition to another slide but this is a strange behavior that wasn’t present in previous version.

Please help. Thanks.

I’m having the same issue

I’ve just discovered the cause/solution. Basically the standard release 32 bit Rpi Buster OS from doesn’t run well on 64 bit Pi 3 and 4. Using Stretch on Pi 3 will fix the issue but this will not work on a Pi 4, you need to have Buster. So if you download

(Index of /raspios_arm64/images)

and install the 64 bit version of Buster it fixes the problem of Impress stalling mid slide show. I also found my Pi 4 ran better in every way with this version