[Impress] title and subtitle in master slide, accessible via outline

Hi there,

I have to create a presentation that uses both titles and subtitles. It is as follows:

Now, I would like to use the outline feature. Unfortunately, I cannot format the second line in the master slide, as size and color are only for the entire title area. Neither changing to subtitle is working for me.

So my question; how can I make this work?

If your lines

Title here
Subtitle there

are elements of title area you can format both in different font, font size and font colors

image description

Above example appears in the outline view like:

image description

To receive a more precise answer you need to explain how you created the title and subtitle.

Thank you @ROSt53. Your example is exactly what I am looking for.

In my case, both title and subtitle are part of the title area. However, if I mark the second line and select subtitle, the first one changes to subtitle as well. If I change the first one back to title, the second line is title again. Oh, I should add that I am using version

edit: Can you please update your answer by adding the very same file you have made screenshots of? Would be very nice to look at it.