impress video flicker

I have used Impress for many years. Suddenly, video clips are flickering. It happens very fast, but it looks like the flicker is showing the thumbnail of the video. If i link the video, then it shows the gray box with the question mark. If I insert the video, it shows the video thumbnail frame.

Libreoffice version:
OS: Ubuntu 17.04

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The same happens to me (also using Ubuntu 17.04 and LibreOffice When the video is shown, it flickers a lot; I have tried different formats: mp4, ogg, wmv.

I also have tried many formats. Nothing seems to work. I wiped the hard drive and reinstalled Ubuntu and it’s still doing it. Anyone found any solutions?

If I press the right mouse button somewhere on the screen it stops flickering, however, it will show the context menu, and it showed the menu bar.

Same thing with lubuntu 17.10

Found a solution in the bug report of this problem by Regis Perdreau:

In Libreoffice Menu:
Tools->options->LibreOffice Impress->
General, uncheck “use background
cache”. It seems to reduce flickering
to nothing.

It worked for me but only after restarting Impress.