In Calc, how to find the distance to the nearest nonblank cell?

Specifically, I want the number of blank cells above the current cell. I’m using a sheet as a log, and I want to leave a row blank when I miss a day, but be able to count the number of consecutive missed days. I use the missed days count to calculate the effective per-day averages on the next day that isn’t missed.

Bad Idea !!

Log with the real Date, and without blanc rows for “missing Days” !


I’m agree with @karolus, blank records can only be a source of troubles (e.g. not possible sort data). To know how many missed days were, is the difference between consecutive logs date.

Maybe he has no choice but to use this spreadsheet.

I’d use either countblank() or if(cell="";1;0) and then count all the 1’s before or after a filled date. Simply another if()-function. Makes the document slow, though.